Friday, October 16, 2009

PA Bar Results


This morning the SBA E-Board met with Deans Solomon, Baker, Ferzan, and Professor Nissen to discuss, among other things, the PA Bar Results.

The Bad News

As you can see, our passage rate is not as high as we would like. The administration and the SBA is working together in an attempt to gather some empirical data which will hopefully help point towards a specific problem which can be remedied. More likely, there are a number of steps which can be taken, both by individuals and by a law school, which will help raise our passage rate in the future.

The Good News

Rutgers-Camden, for both accreditation and US News Rankings, is only judged by the New Jersey Bar passage rate. This is because the largest percentage of Rutgers-Camden students take the New Jersey bar.

See you when the NJ results come out...

Sandy Budd
SBA President