Monday, March 23, 2009

March 23, 2009 - Welcome Back

Welcome Back from Spring Break!

My first day back began with a bang so indulge me for a moment while I muse about some established facts and complete opinions from the office of the VP...

Today the SBA EBoard had its monthly breakfast meeting with the Deans (only Solomon and Baker, unfortunately Ferzan could not join us).  I will discuss some of what we talked about as well as other happenings of importance.

First: Academic Dean's Forum (Ferzan) - Thursday March 26th 12:30 - 2:00 in Room 106
Come and bring your academic questions, comments, and concerns.
Topics will include (but are not limited to): 
Attendance Policy 
Grade Distributions
Examination Methods
2009-2010 Curriculum and Fall Registration
Hunter Moot Court (shift in program) 
A Non-Academic Dean's Forum (Solomon and Baker) is currently in the works.

Second: Cafe Information
Service Items (when open):
Breakfast - danish, bagels, coffee, etc.
Lunch - grab-n-go sandwiches and salads (with specialized orders)

Third: Proposed Student Fee Increase
There will be a referrendum on one of the Spring Ballots involving whether or not the raise the student fee by $10, thus increasing the SBA/Student Org budget.  This money was removed last year as an unused Yearbook Fee and the referredum will offer the students a choice whether we should reinstitute that money for general use.

Check out your current SBA Council and the SBA Constitution
The RULaw webpage should be getting a facelift in the immediate future

Fifth: Student Honor Court
The SBA Ethics Committee (chair: Jen Budd) is currently looking into our Code of Conduct and other academic regulations.  The idea of having a student-based honor court has been placed on the table and if you have any ideas, please feel free to share them.

That is all for now, I really hope people read this.

-Sandy Budd, VP  
Questions, Comments, Concerns:

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Rules & Oversight Policies

The Rules & Oversight Committee met to begin preliminary construction on some bylaws.  The biggest issue of concern to the students is whether to limit the number of events/bake-sales/speakers which can be held on any one day.

If you have any thoughts, please direct them to Sandy Budd ::


Thursday, March 5, 2009

Committee System Off the Ground

The newly created Rules & Oversight Committee will be meeting to form policies and procedures for the SBA in the form of Bylaws.  At this time, our policies will be limited to the internal structure ans functioning of the SBA Council.  If we stray into policies which more directly affect the student body, attention will be drawn to those before they are voted on by the Council.

As always, we welcome input from the students.  Input can either be to your elected representative or directly at the SBA Council Meeting.  If you wish to attend a meeting, make you contact Ben Connors,, to get your issue on our agenda.

Next Meeting: March 22, 2009