Thursday, July 30, 2009

Meeting with Chancellor Pritchett

I had the opportunity to meet with Chancellor Pritchett this afternoon. With Chancellor Pritchett being new to Rutgers-Camden, the purpose of the meeting was for him to get an overview of the concerns and needs of the law school in addition to the general Rutgers-Camden community.

Chancellor Pritchett is getting acquainted with his new job by listening and learning how the responsibilities are broken down on our campus. He is living by the maxim of "do no harm" while learning the ropes. He has seen that there needs to be greater campus-wide communication and coordination. He is also looking to grow both the undergrad and MBA student population. Lastly, one of his main goals for this year is simply to be around and visible in the Rutgers-Camden community. He wants to participate as much as possible in the events and activities of the law school.

Other Specific Topics of Note:
1. Gym. The gym should be open for student use on or about August 17th. There is still work that needs to be done to the main gymnasium and until that is complete, the school cannot obtain a permanent certification of occupancy.

2. Parking. The dirt lot near the law school will soon become faculty/staff parking. Unfortunately, the other lot next to the school will remain faculty/staff parking. Students with parking passes may park in faculty lots beginning at 4:45pm. Spots can be purchased in the garage near the bookstore and if there is enough interest, the school is willing to negotiate a lower "student price" which they have done in the past.

3. Director of Civic Engagement. There will be a new position at Rutgers-Camden whose job will be coordinating with the community and school.

Less than a month until school starts... Enjoy your summer while you still can.

-Sandy Budd, SBA President