Thursday, September 17, 2009

1L Representative Election Results

Hey everyone! I just wanted to let you all know the results of the 1L Rep Election that took place on Tuesday the 15th. The SBA would like to welcome the following new members:

Full-time Representatives
- Brett Marie Burns
- Christopher Leavel
- Christine Schantz
- Christina Smith

Full-time Alternates
- Nicodemo Fiorentino
- Robert Kadel

Part-time Representatives
- Samantha Foss
- Ryan Peters

Also, the 1L reps attended the budget meeting yesterday and the SBA approved this year's budget.

Until the next installment,

Callan Wright, SBA Secretary

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

SBA Meeting Minutes, 9/13/09

Hey everyone, Callan again. Here are the minutes from our meeting this past Sunday:

- We still need people to serve on the following SBA Committees: Ethics, Rules & Oversight, Finance, Facilities, Election, and Social. Please contact Dave Tauster at if you're interested in joining a committee.

- The SBA voted to pass new budget, presidential fund, and standing committee bylaws. These changes have been immediately implemented.

- The SBA hasn't been given a date as to when the 50" LCD TV screen will be installed on the bridge. We are aware that student groups have experienced difficulty with publicizing events. We are working on a temporary solution to this problem, and will speak to the administration about it.

- Dean Andrews is getting close to setting a date for Dean’s Law Day in the Spring. She is attempting to schedule Dean’s Law Day so it does NOT conflict with the UVA Softball Tournament like it usually does.

- University Senator Shashi Dholandas informed Rutgers University President McCormick that there hasn’t been any progress with the Greenscape Project located under library bridge. President McCormick intends to work on this problem with Chancellor Pritchett.

- Lastly, if you are a 1L, VOTE today in the SBA representative elections! To vote, go to the law school intranet >>> student resources >>> online polling system. The polls are open from 9am to 9pm. If you are experiencing technical problems with the voting website, please contact IT and not Shannon Troutman.

The next SBA meeting will be on Wednesday, September 16th at 12:30pm in rm. E110. At this meeting we will welcome our new 1L representatives and pass the budget.

Until next time,

Callan Wright, SBA Secretary

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

SBA Election Information for 1Ls

Hello again, everyone! Callan here. The following is from the e-mail that 3L President Shannon Troutman sent out today. I'm putting it here in the blog as well because there is a lot of important information about the upcoming SBA elections:

Elections for 1L SBA Representatives will take place on Tuesday, September 15th. Four full-time and two part-time representatives will be elected. Campaigning IN ANY FORM may not take place before Friday, September 11th. A violation of this rule may result in your exclusion from the ballot.

The following is taken from the SBA Constitution, and describes the role and responsibilities of class representatives:

" e. The Class Representatives shall:
1. Serve on the Council as voting members.
2. Actively seek out and determine the concerns of the students in their
class and convey those concerns to the Council.
3. Be charged with the duty to work diligently and to serve the interests
of all students."

Shannon will be sending out information about how to get your name on the ballot and the voting procedures shortly. If you have any further questions, e-mail Shannon at

SBA Meeting Minutes, 8/30/09

Hey everyone, Callan here.

We had our first SBA meeting of the semester this past Sunday and I wanted to give you a brief rundown of some of the things that were discussed. I will do this for each meeting we hold.

Budget Guidelines

If you are a student leader interested in budget information, please see Amanda Harber's e-mail from August 28th.
If you have deleted that e-mail and need the information, please e-mail Amanda at

Dean's Forums (locations TBA)
- Dean Ferzan’s Academic Forum: September 23rd at 12:30pm
- Dean Solomon's Non-Academic Forum : October 7th at 12:3opm
- Dean Ferzan’s second Academic Forum: November 18th at 12:30pm

SBA Bylaws

Bylaws have been placed on the table and will be discussed and voted on next meeting. If you have any questions, please see one of your elected representatives.

SBA Committees
If you are interested in being on a committee, please email SBA Vice-President Dave Tauster at
Committees which (may) need students are:
- Safety
- Facilities
- Finance
Rules and Oversight

Faculty Committees
Geoff Stark and Shashi Dholandas have been appointed to serve as student reps on the Educational Policy committee.

That's all I have for now. Stay tuned for a new blog post all about the upcoming Fall SBA elections! The next SBA meeting will be held on Sunday, September 13, 2009 at 6pm in the moot court room in the new building.

-Callan Wright, SBA Secretary