1. Discussion - Raise in Student Fees
Last Spring, the student body voted to drop a $10 yearbook fee (because there is no yearbook anymore). The idea has been brought forth to reinstate that fee as an addition to the student fee (not earmarked for a yearbook). This would raise the SBA operating budget approximately $12,000/year. The Council discussed the issue last meeting and will be voting next meeting on whether to put a referendum on this Spring election ballot to reinstate this fee. If you have any thoughts, please speak to your elected representative before Sunday March 1.
2. NJ Appellate Division and Supreme Court Arguments
Arguments will be held in the Moot Court Room on the following dates:
A. NJ Appellate Division - Monday, Feb. 23
B. NJ Supreme Court - Monday, Mar. 9
Ticketing and other information will follow. This is a great opportunity to see oral arguments right in the comfort of Camden.
Next Meeting: March 1, 2006 6PM, Moot Court Room